KIDZ Children's Dance

kids hip-hop-tap
Ages 7-10
Mondays 4:30-5:30pm
Especially designed by SHOCKraKidz, this fresh new style of tap dance will be a huge hit with kids! Students will animate hip-hop moves with the exciting percussiveness of tap shoes. This class focuses on rhythm and timing, teaching the foundation of tap technique within a hip-hop style to a mix of popular music. The 4-week workshop culminates in a studio showing of what students have learned! Tap shoes will be given the first day of class and are yours to keep after the workshop. Pre-registration required with street shoe size to ensure arrival of proper tap shoes.
Call 212-696-9642 (5pm-9pm 7 days)
Email to with your contact info
Check out VIDEOS HERE of our Kidz in action!
15% off if you bring 2 friends or sign-up for multiple series.