KIDZ Children's Dance
kids music video dance
Hip-Hop 1 (ages 4-6): Students will learn to move and groove to their favorite hip-hop songs! Curriculum consists of stylized warm up, hip-hop dance steps, basic breakdance instruction, and a fun dance combination. We play dance games to exercise coordination, memory, and freedom to express ourselves through hip-hop dance moves. 6-weeks for $150. Schedule below.
Hip-Hop 2 (ages 7-10): This level of hip-hop for slightly older children will have the same structure as Hip-Hop 1, but with more details in movement and body coordination at a faster pace. We challenge the memory, creativity, and agility of our hip-hop abilities further. 6-weeks for $150.
Call 212-696-9642 (5pm-9pm 7 days)
Email to with your contact info
Check out VIDEOS HERE of our Kidz in action!
15% off if you bring 2 friends or sign-up for multiple series.